4th Workshop on Reachability Problems
August 28–29, 2010, Brno , Czech Republic
The Workshop on Reachability Problems will be hosted by the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic and co-located with Joint MFCS & CSL 2010. Papers presenting original contributions related to reachability problems in different computational models and systems are being sought.

The Reachability Workshop is specifically aimed at gathering together scholars from diverse disciplines and backgrounds interested in reachability problems that appear in
- Algebraic structures
- Computational models
- Hybrid systems
- Logic and Verification
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): Reachability probelms in infinite state systems, rewriting systems, dynamical and hybrid systems; reachability problems in logic and verification; reachability analysis in different computational models, counter/ timed/ cellular/ communicating automata; Petri-Nets; computational aspects of algebraic structures (semigroups, groups and rings); frontiers between decidable and undecidable reachability problems; predictability in iterative maps and new computational paradigms.